Digital Accessibility Opens Doors For Everyone, Not Just The Disabled Community.
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1 out of 4 People Who Visit Your Online Channels Lives With A Disability. What Are You Doing To Serve Them?
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Digital leaders are including accessibility in their digital strategies, processes, and procedures, why aren’t you?
If you don’t start now, you’ll be forced to play catch up later.
“Growing up with a disability taught me a lot of valuable lessons, now it’s time to start sharing what I have learned.”
—James Warnken
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Some Helpful Resources I Recommend Checking Out
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About James
Hello, my name is James Warnken. I am a 26 year-old, legally blind, digital accessibility expert with a diverse background in technology, digital marketing, web development/design, social media, paid advertising, and operations/management. In 2021, after spending more than a year researching, networking, and learning as much as humanly possible about digital accessibility, I decided it was time to make the head-first dive into a new career.
Today I am involved with several organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit, helping lead the way towards a more equitable, inclusive, and universally accessible future.
It is my mission to educate organizational teams on digital accessibility best practices, guide them through the process (document everything along the way), and ultimately connect them to industry-leading experts to fill the remaining gaps.
Together, we can make an impact that will change the future!
Dive into Digital Accessibility Through the Lens of Someone Living it Everyday.
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